About Us
English for Women is an exciting and vibrant project that makes a real difference to those in our communities who encounter language
barriers in their everyday lives.
The first sessions took place in 2015 and were started by Heike Prentice, an Ordinand at Chelmsford Cathedral, with just three Afghan Women. The project has now grown to support women, and men, from all over the world who now live in our communities.
English for Women’s sessions provide a friendly and welcoming environment for women who speak little or no English where they can improve their communication skills, make friends, learn about British culture, integrate into their local communities and feel less isolated. All sessions are free, are supported by volunteers and a play area is provided for pre-school children. Learning is topic-based so learners can come to as many or as few sessions as they are able, without feeling that they have missed something.
English for All is a new session which is being tried in Chelmsford. English for All welcomes men and women in our communities who encounter language barriers. English for All sessions are run by both male and female volunteers.
English for Women and English for All sessions provide a safe and welcoming environment for all who speak little or no English, regardless of language, culture, religion or nationality.