by Kirsten | Jul 27, 2021 | News
The EfW picnic has become a tradition to mark the end of the summer term and, this year, we felt incredibly fortunate that the tradition was able to continue. The picnic is a wonderful event where we get together to socialise in a relaxed environment filled with...
by Kirsten | Jun 26, 2021 | News
Exciting news ! It’s been a long time coming but finally, after more than a year of online sessions, it looks as though we might be able to get the EfW community together again in...
by Kirsten | May 28, 2021 | News
We covered a range of topics in both the Beginner-Intermediate group and the Main Sessions this month. These included: Directions, Time, Local and Community History, Vegetarian Recipes, Shopping, Family and Childhood. Before every session, we send out a resource...
by Kirsten | Apr 30, 2021 | News
It’s been another busy and hugely positive month at EfW, with plenty of long-awaited haircuts visible during our online sessions! Topics this month have been as varied as ever. The sad passing of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, seemed an appropriate time to talk...
by Kirsten | Mar 31, 2021 | News
This month marked the anniversary of the first UK lockdown. While it has been a difficult twelve months for many reasons, we were delighted to hear many positive comments and memories during our session on ‘The year that was…’ as volunteers and learners spoke of...
by Kirsten | Feb 25, 2021 | News
We kicked off the month by sharing stories and storytelling traditions from around the world. As we recalled tales from our childhoods, many of us were able to remember vibrant storytellers from our respective pasts, be it a teacher, a parent, a grandparent or friend....