The EfW picnic has become a tradition to mark the end of the summer term and, this year, we felt incredibly fortunate that the tradition was able to continue. The picnic is a wonderful event where we get together to socialise in a relaxed environment filled with laughter, conversation, and good food. While we may not have been able to share food this year, the laughter and conversation was still very much in evidence! Not only was it lovely to see everyone who was able to attend, it was also a great opportunity to welcome some of our new learners and volunteers who will be joining us next term.
In the lead up to the end of term, we also managed to hold four face-to-face sessions, two for English for Women and two for English for All. These events were the first opportunity in a very long time to see other members of our community in person. Naturally, there was some discussion about the ‘new normal’, but it was also great to see how quickly everyone relaxed back into the ‘EfW old normal’, talking easily around the topics and sharing stories and anecdotes. Of course, meeting outside in the UK is always dependent on the weather but we were lucky; the sun was out on each occasion and it was often a case of moving into the shade rather than finding shelter from the rain!
This has been a year of restrictions and adjustment for everyone and the EfW community is no exception. We organised our first online session in March 2020 and were fully expecting to be back face-to-face after a few weeks, yet it was to be sixteen long months before we were able to do so. The online sessions have proved popular and their success is testament to the commitment and engagement of everyone who has taken part, but it was incredibly rewarding to get back together in the fresh air and have conversations in person.
EfW is about community, friendship, reducing isolation and building confidence using everyday conversational English. We are really looking forward to September when we can (fingers crossed!) meet for our regular face-to-face sessions once again.
If you are not part of our community but are interested in joining us in the Autumn, or if you want more details about any of our sessions, please get in touch at
Have a wonderful summer break and stay safe.
The EfW Team